More on Fasting

Here is the Must-Read excerpt on Fasting from Dr. Norman Walker's Book, which I mentioned in the video.

N.W. Walker. Become Younger (Kindle Locations 1444-1446). Kindle Edition.

Fasting is a very important part of any program related to the human body. It is very beneficial, PROVIDED that it is done intelligently and not prolonged for a longer period than 6 or 7 days AT THE UTMOST, at any one time. The effect of fasting is two-fold. It gives the digestive system and a great many of the body functions a more or less complete rest, and at the same time it enables the body to burn up and eliminate waste. During a period of fasting the body uses its reserve supply of elements to keep the system functioning. It is exceedingly important to know this and to remember it when we embark on a fast.

If we have in mind taking a prolonged fast, we take it in series of fasts and "breaks".

for about 6 days, then "break" it for 3 or 4 days as indicated in the preceding paragraph. We will then start the fast again for a similar period with a similar "break" at the end of the 6th day, and so on, as long as we feel we need to continue. It is an exceedingly dangerous and harmful procedure to fast, without interruption, over a longer period than 6 or 7 days at a time. If we do. the body gets no opportunity to replenish its reserve supply of elements and goes on burning up first the debris, then cells and tissues, without new material to repair or restore these.

There is no question that a prolonged fast without such "breaks" every 6th day makes one feel superlatively exalted, but this exaltation is derived at the expense of the burning up of the body, a condition which does not manifest adversely sometimes for several years. There was a Doctor with whom I was well acquainted who placed

his patients on a citrus (usually orange) juice fast for 3 and 4 months at a stretch. I pointed out to him the danger of this practice, but he was so well satisfied with the quick results his patients obtained that he would not agree with my arguments. In the course of my lecture tours throughout the country, however, I had occasion to meet a great many of his patients, many of them bedridden, who were seeking some help for their "mysterious" malady. Without exception, they were apparently perfectly healthy, but they seemed to have not one atom of energy in their system. A review of their past history and experience brought to light the fact that they had taken these prolonged fasts and considered themselves cured of what ailed them, but in the course of time, ranging from two to five years, their vitality, strength and energy began to ebb very fast and unexpectedly. It required many months, in some instances years, to overcome,

by means of fresh vegetable juices and a nourishing raw food diet, the damage done by such fasting. I have right here before me now the X-ray of the colon of a lady who was afflicted with cancer, according to the medical reports some 5 or 6 years ago. Lumps began forming unexpectedly in her breasts, on her arms and in other parts of her body. She read about some successful treatments by means of a grape juice fast, and decided to try it. After about 6 weeks of fasting, the lumps began to disappear and she began to feel better than she ever felt before. She continued the fast, unbroken, for another few weeks, then went back to her former three meals a day. There was no apparent indication that any of her ailment remained and she continued happily on her way and in her household duties, with more zest than she had experienced in many years. About two years ago the full impact of her prolonged fast struck,

and struck hard. She could not get out of bed, she became nervous to the point of hysteria, and even daylight upset her until her room had to be kept in semi or total darkness. Her mind was gradually becoming affected and her family and relatives became very much alarmed. She was finally placed on a rigid Natural raw food diet, which included several pints of raw vegetable juices daily. Twice every week she was given the best colonic irrigations she could get. In less than 6 months' time her whole condition improved very close to the healthy normal. When I saw her recently she looked 5 years younger than she did when I first saw her 6 months previously. Her skin, which was sallow and lack-luster, is now colorful, radiant and sparkling with health. Not everybody is able to get the meticulous care and family cooperation which this lady was fortunate enough to have. It enabled

her to pull out of a dangerous situation in a much shorter time that I would have thought possible. This merely proves that where there is a will, there is a way. Let us bear in mind, therefore, that while brief periods of fasting may be beneficial and help us to Become Younger, PROLONGED FASTING IS DEFINITELY HARMFUL, IF NOT DANGEROUS!

N.W. Walker. Become Younger (Kindle Locations 1444-1446). Kindle Edition.
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