MUSHROOM RAVIOLI RECIPE | Creamy Mushrooms Ravioli Pasta with Cream | Vincenzo's Plate

This Mushrooms Ravioli Recipe is one of my favorite Pasta Recipe. Ravioli with white sauce, mushrooms and Italian sausages.What's your favourite Pasta dish? #ravioli #mushrooms #raviolirecipe

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1 serving of fresh Vincenzo's Plate Ravioli with Ricotta & Spinach
400g of cooking cream
5 medium size mushrooms (sliced)
10g dried porcini mushrooms (soaked in 1 glass of boiled water)
Fresh parmesan (to your liking)
3 x tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 x thick italian style sausage (my suggestion would be pork with fennel)
4.5L water
Two pinches of rock salt
1 ½ tablespoons of table salt

1 x 5L pot
1 x large deep pan
1 x wooden spoon
1. Add 4.5L of water to a large pot and place it on the stove to boil.
2. Peel the skin off the sausage so that all the mince begins to separate. Create small balls of mince for the pasta sauce.
3. Place the deep pan on the stove and add 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
4. Add the sliced mushrooms and small pieces of sausage mince.
5. Keep this on a medium to high heat and stir it using a wooden spoon.
6. The sausage and mushroom should both begin to brown.
7. Add a table spoon and a half of salt.
8. Pour in the porcini mushrooms along with the water they have been simmering in and after a few short minutes, you will smell the beautiful flavour of the porcini.
9. Stir the mixture well using a wooden spoon and leave this to simmer for around ten minuets, or until most of the the water evaporates.
10. Add a sprinkle of pepper.
11. Pour the cooking cream into the mixture .
12. The large pot should now be boiling and ready to cook the ravioli. Add two pinches of rock salt to the water.
13. One by one, slowly drop your freshly made ravioli into the boiling water. Each one should cook for around 3 minutes.
14. Then, using a spatula carefully pick up each raviolo and place them into the pan where you are cooking your sauce. Be gentle and don't use a strainer as it can be very easy to break fresh pasta!
15. Carefully pick up the pan and slightly move it in a circular motion to move the sauce around and begin to cover the ravioli. Now, place the pan back onto a low heat for another two minutes.

16. Grate some fresh parmesan into the saucepan so that it melts with the heat.
17. Remove the pan from the stove.

1. Using a large flat white plate, place 3 ravoli in the centre.
2. Get a large spoon and scoop a generous amount of sauce, mushrooms and sausage mixture and pour it over the top of the ravioli.
3. If you love cheese as much as me, add another sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese on top.

E ora si mangia, Vincenzo's Plate...Enjoy!


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