Today, we're going on a journey across FRANCE to sample the best of French cuisine. From the macaron & viennoiserie of Paris to the mountains of seafood on Brittany's Atlantic coast and Lyon's ancient Bouchons. THis is 19 French foods across France!!Lyon : : :'m Luke Martin, food lover and world traveller! I make videos about local, authentic and unique foods from across the globe. I particularly like to sample street food across Asia. Ive eaten my way across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, parts of Africa, North America and the list is still growing! My mission is to create content that is entertaining, informative, honest and fun! I love what I do and I'm always grateful for your support! Thank you and see you on the next episode!______________________ BUY CHOPSTICK TRAVEL MERCH : SUPPORT CHOPSTICK TRAVEL : CHOPSTICK TRAVEL : MUSIC (try it for free) :