মটন দো পেঁয়াজা সহজ পদ্ধতিতে বানিয়ে ফেলুন পারফেক্ট রেস্টুরেন্টের স্বাদে | MUTTON DO PYAZA in Bangla | CuisineGhar

Mutton Do Pyaza or মটন দো পেঁয়াজা is a restaurant-style mutton recipe. In this recipe, onions are used in three forms, such as diced, paste, and sliced onions in different stages of cooking.
► The ingredients list is available at the end of the video and on the CuisineGhar.com web page.

►TIP is available at the end of the video or on the website (https://cuisineghar.com):
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