No Cook Coconut Burfi Recipe Video - Coconut dessert by Bhavna | Bhavna's Kitchen & Living

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1/2 - 3/4 cans of condensed milk
11/2 cups coconut (dry and ground)
1 tsp cardamom seeds (ground)
1 tbsp ghee
1/2 tsp almonds (grated)-optional
1/2 tsp pistachios (grated)-optional

Mix condensed milk and coconut, cardamom and mix well. If adding nuts, mix those nuts as well.
Grease your hands with little ghee or butter.
Make small balls of mixture and put them on plate or in cupcake cups.
If you wish, you can again roll your balls in coconut to get more coconut on top of all the balls to get furry texture.
Nariyal ki burfi is ready to be served.
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