ओट्स सेसमे लड्डू | Oats Sesame Laddoo | Diwali Special | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana | TedhiKheer

With the goodness of oats, sesame seeds and flax seeds, this laddoo matches all those festive vibes perfectly. Try it soon!



1 cup oats
½ cup white sesame seeds
2 tbsps flax seeds
½ cup seedless dates, roughly chopped
1 cup chopped jaggery
2 tbsps peanut powder
½ cup pistachio powder
¼ tsp green cardamom power
2 tsps melted ghee


1. Dry roast oats on medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Transfer in a plate and set aside to cool down.
2. Dry roast sesame seeds in the same pan for 2 minutes. Transfer in a plate and set aside to cool down.
3. Similarly dry roast flax seeds for a minute in the same pan. Set aside to cool down.
4. Transfer the roasted ingredients in the blender jar and blend to a coarse powder.
5. Add dates, jaggery and grind again. Transfer in a plate. Add peanut powder, pistachio powder, green cardamom powder and melted ghee and mix well.
6. Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape into roundels.
7. Serve.

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