Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton For EPA & DHA

Yep! It's impossible to find Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton at this pricing these days! It's estimated that 90% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and what's alarming about this is that 60% of the human brain is made up of these valuable fatty esters. I was listening to Dr. Jack Kruse, an expert on Omega fats and he stated that to really absorb any significant amount of EPA and DHA from a food, it must come from a "live" source or it quickly becomes rancid and is not readily absorbable. This is one of the reasons he frowns upon a vegan diet and is a huge advocate of eating specific fish and other sea animals, which contain EPA and DHA. However, for the Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton, they take freshly harvested, raw marine phytoplankton from contained labs in Spain and simply suspend it in a pure, concentrated sea mineral solution for you to consume. I am curious whether, if this was explained to Dr. Jack Kruse, he would consider this product a "live" vegan source of bio-available EPA and DHA?

What Angela and I love about Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton is that we can literally just put it into a glass of water and it's like getting a green juice without having to make juice! Also the taste is very comforting to me, like mothers' milk or something. (I have no idea what mothers' milk actually tastes like, lol, but this product is very comforting to me when I drink it.) I like to use Marine Phytoplankton when I'm on the go and don't have time to make a vegetable juice, as you can see in the video further below. You can also find out in that video why Angela likes to take Phytoplankton every single morning!

Normally $39 each, if you get 3 bottles of Ocean's Alive Marine Phytoplankton now and use the coupon code rawfood7 during checkout, you will get each bottle for just $19.59! If you only want one bottle, the price will be $21.76! This offer is good until next Sunday night at midnight Pacific time, or while supplies last.

We also have Omegazen + EPA at Blow0ut pricing too. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are composed of ALA, EPA and DHA. ALA is very easy to get as it's available in many standard oils we consume such as Hempseed Oil, Chia Oil, Sacha Inchi Oil, etc. The issue is the EPA and DHA, for which 90% of Americans apparently have deficiencies. Granted, ALA does get naturally converted into EPA within the body and EPA can naturally convert to DHA. However, each of these conversions requires extra metabolic work and some people who have allergies or other health challenges such as diabetes have a rough time performing these conversions.

This is why doctors generally recommend for people to take fish oil two times a week, to make sure they're receiving DHA and EPA directly, instead of relying on the conversion from ALA. However, fish don't produce DHA and EPA on their own. They get it from algaes they consume. This Omegazen + EPA product that we are blowing out today, is the algae that the fish consume! We are simply bypassing the fish and going directly to the algae source! I just now lowered the price of the Omegazen + EPA, so you can get it at about half price - $15.04 per bottle if you get three and use the coupon code rawfood7, or $16.68 if you just get one bottle!

If you are interested in ordering these Omega-3 boosting products at the lowest pricing ever seen on the internet, click the link below:

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