प्याज़ टमाटर सैंडविच सिर्फ 5 मिनट में।Onion Tomato Sandwich| Veg Sandwich| Tawa Sandwich| | Ankita's Kitchen

Hello to all, today I’ve shared a very quick sandwich recipe which can be prepared only in 5 mins with less ingredients. Whenever you feel cravings you can make it and have it without any extra effort. So try it and always welcome to your valuable feedback.
Preparation time:3mins
Cook time 2 mins
Bread slices:4
Cheese spread:2 tbsp
Onion:1, medium
Green chilli:1
Salt: as per taste
Black pepper powder: 1/4th tsp
Butter: as required
How to make veg sandwich, onion tomato sandwich, cheese sandwich, breakfast recipes, quick lunch ideas, quick recipes, sandwich in 5 min, sandwich recipe, Ankitas kitchen, cooking videos, trending
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