Orange Cheese Biscuits | chefharpalsingh

An Instant Cheese Cake made with digestive biscuits a perfect kids recipe for them to try their hands on non flame cooking..

Digestive biscuits 6-8 no.
Shrikhand 1 cup
Orange Segment without seeds 1no
Sweeten whipping cream 2 tbsp
Cream Cheese 2 tbsp
Orange tang Powder 2 tbsp
Mint Leaves For garnish

1. Take a mixing bowl, add orange Tang Powder, Sweeten whipping cream and mix well.
2. Add Shrikhand, Cheese Cream and mix it well.
3. Cut the orange segments into half.
4. Now take digestive biscuit, put the orange flavor shrikhand on top of each biscuits,
5. Put orange segments on top. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

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