Orange marmalade #orange #shorts

I love anything with oranges, cookies cakes, marmalade, juice, candy.. you? Its such a blessing!
3 oranges with thick skin to peel
About 4-5 tbsp sugar to preserve the peels
1 tsp from the orange rind and sugar mixture for the marmalade
1 meaty part of the orange
3 cups water
2+1/2 to 3 cups sugar
About 1 tbsp juice of lemon

Grate the oranges outer skin with micro grater. Layer them with sugar in a small bowl. You can use it year along keeping in the fridge for cookies and cakes.
Cut the rest of the peels into small chunks. Add one meaty part from the orange (you can add all of it too. But I wanted to use the leftovers from the oranges we ate. Cook with water for about 15 minutes until soft. Add sugar, continue to cook on medium high until the last drops thickens and oozes. Add drizzle the juice of lemon, boil one more minute and enjoy after chilled completely.
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