Orange Squash Recipe by SooperChef (Make and Store Orange Squash)

Orange squash is the ultimate homemade goodness. Refreshing and full of flavor, this orange squash is a winter treat that you can enjoy even after winter. Make and store this Orange Squash to give yourself a refreshing experience anytime you want. Do not forget to share your feedback with us.
#OrangeSquash #OrangeRecipe #SooperChef

Orange squash
Sugar 3 cups
Water 2 cups
Orange juice 1 ½ L
Lemon juice 3 tbsp
Salt 1 pinch
Tatri 1 tsp
Orange essence 4 drops
Sodium benzoate 1 pinch

1. In pan heat water and sugar, stir and cook until sugar dissolves.
2. Now add orange juice and cook on low heat for 40 mins or until thickens and lessens in quantity.
3. Now add lemon juice, salt, tatri and mix it well. Cook for 4-5 minutes on medium-low flame.
4. Add sodium benzoate and turn off the flame.
5. Your orange squash is ready. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.
6. Add 4 tbsp of orange squash in a glass of water, mix it well and serve.
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
Servings: 9-10
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