Oxtail Stew - Oxtail Soup

Oxtail Stew - Oxtail Soup

Ingredients: https://cheflolaskitchen.com/best-oxtail-stew-jamaican-style/

4 Lb Oxtail

1 Tsp Thyme

Salt To Taste

4 Tbsp Oil

2 Tsp Curry powder

2 Tsp seasoning powder

3 Green Onions (chopped)

1 Cup baby Carrot

1/2 pound Potato (cut into chunks)

6 Cups beef stock

4 Tbsp Tomato paste

2 Diced Tomatoes (Diced)

1 Red bell pepper (Diced)

1 Large Onion (Diced)

1 Chopped Scotch Bonnet

3 Cloves Garlic

Dry Pepper to taste

2 Bay Leaves

1 Tsp Paprika

Water (as needed)


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