பால்கோவா | palkova recipe in tamil | srivilliputhur palkova | palkova in tamil | clara's kitchen

how to make paal kova | palkova in tamil | milk kova recipe | palkova

Palkova is a very easy sweet recipe that any one can make at home. Learn how to make palkova in traditional method.

Following are the ingredients to make tasty and yummy palkova

2 liter milk
400 grams sugar
2 tbl spoon ghee

Now let's start preparing the palkova

Step 1: Heat a pan and add 2 liter milk to it

Step 2: Lower the flame and keep stirring continuously to avoid it sticking to the pan.

Step 3: Keep stirring continuously until 2 litre milk reduces to 3/4th. Once it decreases start adding sugar

Step 4: Keep stirring over and over again until it becomes waterless. Check out the video to take a look at the consistency when it could be set aside

Now it's time to taste the yummy palkova recipe

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