★熱香餅 簡單做法★ | Pancake Easy Recipe | 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽【熱香餅】, 鬆化, 好吃, 易做又好玩, 要試試啊! 週末早餐必選, 又可以和家人朋友一起比賽拋Pancake的樂趣呢!請Like我的Video和訂閲我的頻道呀! 謝謝!

MamaCheung's "Pancakes", very soft and delicious, easy and fun to make too! Perfect breakfast for weekends, making these pancakes with your family and friends, see who can flip the pancake the most! Please LIKE my video if you enjoy watching this and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more yummy recipes!

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材料 Ingredients:
六十克 低筋麵粉 60g plain flour
六十毫升 牛奶 60ml whole milk
二十五克 溶化牛油 25g melted butter
二十克糖 20g sugar
一隻中型雞蛋 1 medium sized egg
一茶匙發粉 1 tsp baking powder
兩茶匙油 2 tsp oil
半茶匙雲呢拿香精 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
水果隨意陪襯 Selection of fruits (optional)

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