Passover Seder Plate Prep Tips (eggs, shank bones and simple haroset)

Different families approach seder plate prep in their own way. Some roast their eggs in the oven, over a flame, or not at all. Others use any type of a bone, a chicken leg, a chicken neck, or lamb shank with meat still on it.

Melissa shows how she combines lamb shank and egg prep together, resulting in mottled looking hard boiled eggs and braised lamb for dinner (meat for the family, bones for the seder plate). This afternoon she is also making an early batch of haroset for the school "practice seder."

While the onion skins go into the pot with the eggs to boil, the onion gets chopped, added to the browned lamb shanks in a pot, topped with spices, garlic, a can of tomatoes, and a handful of golden raisins, and will be braised in a North African style recipe for dinner. When the meat is cleaned from the bones, they may be frozen and saved until needed for the seder plate.

Nothing goes to waste in this scenario, and these items can all be prepared days in advance of your seder meal.

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