Pasta with Pancetta | Pasta with Italian Bacon and Tomato Basil Sauce | Italian Food Recipes | Vincenzo's Plate

This salty pasta with pancetta uses just 3 ingredients in the sauce to create an explosion of flavours. Pancetta and tomato sauce form the perfect pairing to smother and colour the pasta spirals!

500g fusilli pasta
250g pancetta
Handful of fresh basil
1 x bottle of tomato passata
1/3 onion
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
5L water
2 medium sized deep fry pan
Wooden spoon
Large pot for boiling pasta
Pasta strainer

1. Boil the water on the stove in a large pot.
2. Chop up the onion and then the basil and pancetta both into strips.
3. Heat up 3 tablespoons of EVOO in a fry pan on a medium heat.
4. Add the onion and let simmer for a minute.
5. Add the pancetta and sauté for a few minutes.
6. Pour the passata into the pan and stir using a wooden spoon
7. Add a sprinkle of salt and a handful of fresh basil leaves and stir through once again.
8. Leave to simmer on a low-medium heat for at least 15 minutes.
9. Once the water has boiled in the large pot, add a sprinkle of sea salt and mix to help dissolve.
10. Cook the fusilli pasta according to the packet instructions as the cooking time of all brands of dry pasta vary.
11. Strain the pasta and add it to the pan with the sauce.
12. Smother the pasta with the sauce using a wooden spoon.
1. Scoop up a generous portion of your pasta and add it to a flat round plate.
2. Add a sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese and some basil leaves on top. This will add a fresh element and beautiful aroma to your dish.

E ora si mangia, Vincenzo’s Plate…Enjoy!


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