Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll Recipe by SooperChef

Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll is a unique innovation to Korean Cheese Egg Roll. Packed with the deliciousness of multiple flavors and K&N's Pastrami Strips, this Egg Roll makes one heavenly meal. Try out this Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll today and let us know how it turned out.

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Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll (Pastrami Strips)

Ingredients for Flour Mixture:
All-purpose flour 1 cup
Eggs 2
Salt 1/2 tsp / to taste
Milk 1 cup
Melted butter 2 tbsp
Butter (for greasing)

Ingredients for Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll:
Flour mixture
Oil as required
Green onion (chopped) 1 cup / as required
Carrot (julienne) 1 cup / as required
Cabbage (shredded) 1 cup / as required
K&Ns Pastrami Strips 504 g 8-10
Beaten eggs 3 or as required
BBQ Sauce 1 cup or as required
Ketchup 1 cup or as required
Mayonnaise 1 cup or as required
Cheddar cheese (shredded) 1 cup or as required
Green onion (chopped) for garnishing
Fried Eggs 2 or as required
Oil (for frying) 1 tbsp

Directions for Crepe Mixture:
1. In a bowl add flour, eggs, milk, salt, butter and mix well. Your flour mixture is ready.
Directions for Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll:
2. Thaw K&Ns Pastrami Strips as per instructions on the pack.
3. In a pan, heat oil and add 1/2 cup of flour mixture. Spread it evenly on the pan.
4. Now top it with green onion, carrot and cabbage.
5. Now place K&Ns Pastrami Strips and pour beaten eggs on top.
6. Flip the prepared mixture and drizzle BBQ Sauce on the flipped side. Add a layer of cheese and now fold the prepared mixture into a roll shape on a bamboo stick.
7. Transfer the rolls on a dish, brush BBQ sauce on the rolls, drizzle ketchup and mayo on top.
8. Sprinkle green onion and lastly place a fried egg on top.
8. Your Pastrami Cheese Egg Roll is ready. Serve and enjoy.
Prep time: 20-25 mins (including vegetable cutting)
Cooking time: 5 mins
Servings: 4
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