Peri Peri Chicken Recipe By SooperChef

Peri Peri Chicken: Presents Peri Peri Chicken Recipe in Urdu/Hindi & English . Learn how to make Easy Peri Peri Chicken Recipe at Home. You can make Peri Peri Chicken by watching this short but comprehensive Video by sooperchef.

#PeriPeriChicken #PeriPeri #SooperChef

Ingredients for Peri Peri Sauce
10 gm whole red chili
1 tbsp garlic cloves
1 tsp paprika powder
1 tbsp Bay Leaf
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil

Ingredients for peri peri Chicken:
4 Chicken Legs
2 tbsp Peri Peri Sauce
1 Ember Cooking oil

Directions for peri peri sauce:
Put all the ingredients for peri peri sauce in a grinder and grind well peri peri sauce is ready Directions for peri peri chicken
1- Now, place deep cuts on chicken legs
2- In a bowl, add Peri Peri Sauce, chicken legs and mix them well, then keep in the refrigerator for 2 hours
3- Now, grill the chicken legs
Your tasty Peri Peri Chicken now ready to serve
Cooking Time: 30 minutes - Excluding refrigerator timings
Serve: 2
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