Pineapple Cake recipe/How To Make A Sponge Cake/Cake Recipe/केक | Indian Mom's Kitchen

Is it your dream to bake a good cake? Well, we will be showing you how easily you can bake not only a soft Sponge Cake but a Cream Cake and that too a Pineapple Fresh Cream Cake. Given below is the step by step instructions on how to make a Sponge Cake first and then proceed to transform it into a beautiful Fresh Cream Cake.

1/2 cup Sugar (100 gms)
1/2 cup Flour (100 gms)
1 cup chopped Stewed/Tinned Pineapple
3 Eggs
2 cups Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Pineapple Syrup
3 tbsp Water
Pineapple essence

-- Using a hand Blender, whisk Sugar, Eggs and 1 tsp Pineapple Essence.
-- Whisk till it becomes light and frothy and increases to 3 times its original volume.
-- Add Flour little by little.
-- Mix using the Cut & Fold method as shown in the video.
-- Add 3 tbsp Water and continue to mix gently.
-- Pour the Batter into a prepared Cake tin.
-- Bake at 180 degrees C for 25 minutes.
-- Allow the Cake to cool completely.
-- Whip Cream till peaks are formed.
-- Slice the Sponge cake into 3 parts.
-- Place the first Slice on a Cake board.
-- Soak it liberally with Pineapple syrup.
-- Spread Whipping Cream, put Pineapple pieces and again cover with Whipping Cream.
-- Repeat the process with the other slices.
-- Finally, cover the entire Cake with Cream and decorate it.
-- Pineapple Fresh cream Cake is ready.

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