Polish Breakfast - Potato Pancakes, Pork Sausages, Scrambled Eggs & Sour Cream Dip | Get Curried

Polish Breakfast - How to make Potato Pancakes, Pork Sausages, Scrambled Eggs & Sour Cream Dip only on Get Curried

Famous for it's delicious pancakes and Pork sausages, Polish breakfast also consists of yummy Sour Cream Topping and Scrambled Eggs. Watch this episode while our Chef Nick takes you across the popular Polish breakfast that's simple, yet extremely filling and satisfying!

4-5 large potatoes
1 large onion
3-4 minced garlic
2 eggs
pepper milk

Method: Grate 4 large potatoes and completely dry them off. Break-in 3 eggs in a bowl and add cream, marjoram, chopped onion, garlic and mix them properly, to this mixture add dried grated potato and mix them properly. To this potato mixture add flour, salt, and pepper and mix them well till they all combine. On a medium flame, pour some oil and once the oil heats up, put a good amount of potato mixture and try to make it round in shape. Cook on both sides till they are brown, your pancakes are ready.

Sour Cream Topping
cream lemon juice and zest
2tsp sugar

Take a cup of cream and add the juice of lemon, zest, sugar, salt, and crushed black pepper, mix it up properly and keep it in a warm corner to rest.

Pork sausages
Cut the sausages into small bite-size pieces and then fry them on a pan till they are golden brown.

Scrambled Eggs
Break two eggs on a pan with some oil on a low flame and let it cook a bit, once the eggs are semi-cooked, brake it from the center and mix it till they are creamy and cooked. Your scrambled eggs are ready.

Host: Nick Saraf
Copyrights: REPL

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