Potato Cheese Balls Recipe By SooperChef Iftar Recipes

SooperChef.pk Presents Potato Cheese Balls Recipe. Learn how to make Potato Cheese Balls Recipe at Home. You can make easily Potato Cheese Balls by watching this short but comprehensive Video.

Cheddar Cheese (Adams Cheese) 200g
Mozzarella Cheese (Adams Cheese) 200g
Boiled Potatoes 200g
Salt as per taste
White Pepper Powder 1 tbsp
Eggs 3 pieces
Breadcrumbs as per need
Cooking Oil as per need

1- In a bowl, mash and mix boiled potatoes, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese.

2- Now add and mix, salt, white pepper powder, an egg.

3- Afterward, make small balls of this mixture.

4- Now dip these balls in egg bowl one by one and then cover it with bread crumbs.

5- Repeat this procedure twice.

6- Now keep it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

7- Now deep fry it in the cooking oil until golden brown.

Your tasty Potato Cheese Balls now ready to serve.
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