Potato Fritters - Aloo Bajji Pakora - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Potato fritters are crispy and luscious snack made with sliced potatoes coated with spicy chick pea flour batter and deep fried until golden in colour.


Bombay basen 2 cups
Rice flour ½ cup
Carom seeds ½ ts
Ginger garlic paste ½ ts
Baking soda pinch
Red chilly powder 1 ts
Oil for deep fry
Chat masala 1 tb

Take a bowl add Bombay basen, rice flour, salt, carom seeds, ginger garlic paste, baking soda, red chilly powder, oil, water mix it like bajji batter.
Peel the potatoes and make slices with using Slicer and each slice dip it into the basen batter and deep fry them. And sprinkle with chat masala.

Serve this hot with sweet chutney.
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