Potato Pizza Recipe by SooperChef

Potato Pizza is a new innovation to your pizza recipes. The delightful bite of crispy potato layer and the cheesy bite of pizza makes a complete meal. Try out this Potato Pizza today and let us know how it turned out.

#PotatoPizza #CheesyPotatoPizza #SooperChef

Potato Pizza

Ingredients for Chicken Marination:
Boneless chicken (cubes) 500 g
Soy sauce 3 tbsp
Chili sauce 3 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Vinegar 1 tbsp
Oil (for cooking) 1/4 cup

Ingredients for Potato Pizza:
Potatoes 1/2 kg
Egg 1
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Oregano 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Butter (for greasing) as required
Pizza sauce as required
Mozzarella cheese (grated) as required
Chicken chunks as required
Capsicum (chopped) as required
Onion (chopped) as required
Sweet corns as required
Tomatoes (chopped) as required
Black olives (sliced) as required
Oregano as required
Red chili flakes as required

Directions for Chicken Marination:
1. Add chicken, soy sauce, chili sauce, red chili flakes, black pepper powder, salt, vinegar, and mix well in a bowl. Marinate for 10-15 mins. Set aside.
2. In a pan heat oil and add chicken. Cook until chicken is fully done.
Directions for Potato Pizza Preparation:
3. Take peeled potatoes and cut them into thin julienne strips. Transfer them into a bowl and add egg, corn flour, oregano, salt and mix well.
4. Grease a pan with butter and add potatoes mixture and spread it evenly. Cover and cook over medium flame until one side is done. Now take it out of the pan, grease pan with butter again and place the potato base again from the uncooked side. Let it cook over medium flame.
5. In the meanwhile, brush pizza sauce on it and add a layer of mozzarella cheese, prepared chicken, capsicum, onion, sweet corns, tomatoes, black olives, sprinkle oregano, red chili flakes and cover and cook for 2-3 minutes or until potatoes are done.
6. Your Potato Pizza is ready.
Prep time: 25-30 mins
Cooking time: 30-40 mins
Servings: 2-3
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