Potli Noodles Recipe by SooperChef

Potli Noodles is a unique way of serving noodles in a crispy potli. Turn your regular noodles recipes into this exciting meal and let us know how it turned out.

#PotliNoodles #Noodles #SooperChef

Potli Noodles

Ingredients for Dough:
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Salt 1 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Water as required

Ingredients for Noodles:
Spaghetti (boiled) 500 g
Oil 3 tbsp
Garlic (chopped) 2 tbsp
Chicken (boneless strips) 250 g
Capsicum (julienne) 1 cup
Carrot (julienne) 1 cup
Cabbage (shredded) 1 cup
Salt 1 tsp / to taste
Ketchup 1/2 cup
Soy sauce 2 tbsp
Chili sauce 2 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Oyster sauce 2 tbsp
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Green onion (chopped) for garnishing

Directions for Potli Noodles Preparation:
1. In a bowl add flour, salt, oil, water and knead a smooth dough. cover with damp cloth and set aside for 10-15 mins.
Directions for Noodles Preparation:
2. In a wok heat oil and add garlic, cook for a minute.
3. Add chicken and cook until chicken changes color.
4. Now add capsicum, carrot, cabbage and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add ketchup, salt, red chili flakes, chili sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, black pepper powder and cook for 2-3 minutes over high flame.
5. Add boiled noodles and toss on high flame for a minute.
6. Lastly sprinkle green onion and mix well. Your noodles are ready.
7. Now take the dough ball and roll it out into flat circle.
8. Add prepared noodles in the middle of the rolled-out dough.
9. Wrap the noodles in the dough in a potli shape. Brush egg on he potli.
10. Now bake it in a preheated oven at 180C for 15-20 mins.
11. Your Potli Noodles are ready. Cut open the potli and serve the noodles.
Prep time: 15-20 mins
Cooking time: 20-25 mins
Servings: 4-5
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