Proudly South African Peppermint Don Pedro

Bring an iconic, easy milkshake recipe to life with a kick! What's our kick? Using brandy of course, for the classic South African drink - an easy Don Pedro! A combination of creamy vanilla ice cream, brandy, caramel sauce and mint chocolate - bringing to life all the flavours of the classic and proudly South African dessert; Peppermint fridge tart, in milkshake form! That's right! It's a drink and dessert recipe all in one! Go ahead and see why Peppermint AND Don Pedro were mint to be.

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Full Recipe

Serves 2

Hands-on time: 15 minutes


4 tbsp tinned caramel
2 cups (5 large scoops) vanilla ice cream
cup cream
2 shots (60ml) Klipdrift Premium Brandy
slab (25g) peppermint chocolate
2 mini coconut biscuits

Serving suggestion:
Mint sprigs


1. To prepare the two cocktail glasses, melt 2 tablespoon of caramel in the microwave for 30 seconds and carefully drizzle it down the insides of the glasses. Refrigerate the glasses until needed.

2. In a blender, add the vanilla ice cream, cream and Klipdrift Premium Brandy along with the remaining 2 tablespoons of caramel. Blend until smooth and creamy and a thick milkshake consistency is achieved. *Chefs Tip: Milk can be used as a substitute for cream.

3. Divide the Don Pedro mixture between the 2 prepared cocktail glasses. *Chefs Tip: Pour carefully so the caramel along the sides of the glasses doesnt smudge.

4. Crush and divide the peppermint chocolate over each Don Pedro and finish each off with a mini coconut biscuit.

5. Garnish each Don Pedro with a fresh mint sprig. Serve immediately and ENJOY!

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