【Quick & Easy】cumin Lamb 嫩滑快炒孜然羊肉 | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房

【Quick & Easy】cumin Beef stir fried - a quick dinner that you could prepare. It is so easy. As long as you follow the steps, especially the marinated part, I can guarantee that you lamb will be so tender. If you don't like lamb, you can use exactly the same way to cook beef.

孜然羊肉 - 快手菜。不想花太多时间在厨房,肚子很饿了, 想要快点吃到好吃了- 这个孜然羊肉就是你的选择。方法对了,你的羊肉绝对嫩滑,不硬,不柴。用牛肉同样可以使用同样的方法。
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