Quinoa Spinach Dosa / Savory Crepe | Healthy Indian Twist

Hello Friends,
Welcome to Healthy Indian Twist! Today’s recipe is healthy Quinoa Urad Dal Dosa. It is healthy and packed with iron and other nutrition. Please try it out and let me know how it turns out in the comment box below. Do not forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Stay fit, Stay healthy!


For 3-4 servings
Quinoa 1 cup
Urad dal ½ cup
Poha ½ cup
Fenugreek seeds
1 tsp Salt to taste
1 cup spinach puree


Wash rice, dal, poha and fenugreek seeds and soak for 4-5 hrs
After 4-5 hrs, grind everything with little or no water.
Batter should be thick consistency.
Keep the batter overnight at warm place to ferment.
Batter should be double in size.
Add salt and spinach puree.
Add water to make the batter little runny.
Grease the pan. When little hot, make thin dosas.
Cook one side for about 1 min or until changes color on medium heat.
Grease and cook until done.
Tasty and healthy Dosa is ready. Enjoy with sambhar https://youtu.be/njq-EOrg8Yc or peanut chutney https://youtu.be/ZQ2gNAp9Huo
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