Quinoa tofu pulao | healthy recipe - Shooting it with my gym trainers | Crazy4veggie

I have been going to Elite performance since more then two months now and in two months I have seen tremendous changes in my body, strength, life style and eating habits. So thats why me and my trainers came up with this idea to make healthy recipes so others can get benefits too. We made this quinoa pulao which is high in protein, fiber, nutritions and fuller on body. I recently started eating and making healthy food and it makes me feel so good bout my self.

Here are breakdown of what we have added to recipe and this pulaav is good for 4-5 people.
257g carbs
15g fat
53g protein
19g fiber
1220 calories/ 4 persons = 305 calories per person which is good.

for detail ingredients and printable recipe visit @http://www.crazy4veggie.com/quinoa-tofu-pulao/
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