Raita Pickle - By VahChef @ VahRehVah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Unexpected guests dropped by? In the need for a quick dip to go with crackers or snacks you already have around the house
Onion Raita is delicious yoghurt based side dish and an excellent cooling accompaniment to various spicy flavored rice dishes such as biryanis, pulaos and Indian breads. It is mildly spiced and adds a cooling effect and crunch to your meal.

Onion raita is a perfect and ideal side dish that goes very well with any type of biryani such as chicken biryani, mutton biryani, fish biryani, prawn biryani or a simple vegetable biryani. Raita is a mildly savored dish made of yoghurt, onion, green chillies, coriander leaves and spices. There are various ways of many the raita. Raita is mainly served with spicy and fiery dishes to give a soothing and cooling touch to the taste buds and balances the heat of the spiciness.

Onion raita is commonly known as pyaz ka raita in Hindi and taste extremely good when served chilled. If you donot like the green chilly pieces, you can add white pepper powder or red chilli powder for the spiciness. Raitas are generally considered good in summer season as an accompaniment to meals. Besides onion raita, there are numerous vegetables you can make raita with like cucumber raita etc.

Raita is a very popular and common condiment made with yoghurt and used as a sauce or dip in most parts of India and Pakistan. The raita is creamy and refreshing seasoned with coriander (cilantro), cumin, mint leaves, white pepper powder and other herbs and spices. You can also prepare raita with other raw vegetables and fruits like carrots, beetroot, cucumber, onion, pineapple, pomegranate, mint-coriander or papaya which are mixed into the yoghurt with spices. One of the popular variety of raita in Northern India is boondi raita (made with tiny balls of fried gram flour -- chickpea flour) which may taste salty or spicy. This boondi raita is served chilled and can also be eaten with any Indian bread like roti, naan, paratha etc. Raita is also an exceptional accompaniment with various kebabs like Seekh kebabs, Shammi kebab etc.

Preparing a delicious Onion Raita takes few minutes only and can be served anytime. For preparing this simple onion raita, firstly slice the onions into thin round pieces. Chop the green chillies and fresh coriander leaves finely. Take a large bowl and pour curd or yoghurt into it and beat nicely till smooth and creamy. Add the finely chopped coriander leaves and green chillis and mix. Add in chilli powder and salt to taste and mix well. Lastly put in the sliced onion pieces and stir again carefully. Serve with any vegetable or mutton biryani or Indian breads.

As yoghurt is the main vital ingredient for making any raita which is also a favorite dish to many of us especially the kids. Do prepare this and let them enjoy the benefits of it. Click the link for the detailed recipe:


Yoghurt or curd is one of the most important elements which contain a lot of essential vitamins. Typically, people think that vitamins are associated with fruits and vegetables, but yoghurt is one of the unique dairy products that can also act as a source of these important nutrients. Just eating one serving of yogurt every day can provide you with the entire supply of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B12, potassium, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, and phosphorous that you'll need to stay healthy. The B12 vitamins that are contained in yogurt have been shown to support red blood cells and nervous system function.

Apart from yoghurt, onions are also very useful and have endless health benefits as they have powerful anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. Onion is rich in vitamins A, B and C. It is a potent source of folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, iron and dietary fiber. "Reach vahrehvah at -
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