Ram Pulao - By VahChef @ VahRehVah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

An easy-to-make khichdi from the gujarati town of kathiyavad! a perfect combination of dals, rice and loads of mixed vegetables makes this khichdi nutritious and filling, with a melange of flavours and textures that is irresistible. Enjoy this spicy one-dish meal with low-fat curds, or with kadhi and papad.


Ghee 2 tb
Basmati rice
Besan 1 c
Yogurt 1 tb
Chilly powder 2 tb
Coriander seeds 1 ts
Cinnamon 3 stick
Cloves 4 n
Cumin seeds 1 TS
Green peas ¼ c
Coriander leaves 1 b
Raisin 1tb
Cashew nuts 1tb

For gattas
In a bowl take coriander seeds and crush them and add chilly powder, turmeric, hing, salt and mix it, add besan, oil, yogurt mix it up like a dough, make a small dumplings, add the dumplings in to the boiling water and put the lid on, let it boil for 10 minutes, after boiling, drain them cool and cut into small pieces, and fry in the hot oil and keep it aside.

Heat ghee in another pan add cinnamon, cumin seeds, raisins cloves, add cashew nuts and sauté them, add boiled green peas, add turmeric, chilly powder, salt, add gatta, add coriander leaves, and switched off the flame, add cooked rice and mix it well, ram pulao is ready.

you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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