Ramen Fried Chicken Sandwiches | Marcus Meacham | Tastemade

Marcus makes his version of southern fried chicken sandwiches and adds an epic twist: he batters the chicken thighs in crushed Ramen.

For more of Marcus' recipes: http://taste.md/1OBwWoC


8 Hawaiian rolls
4 large boneless, skin-on chicken thighs, cut in half
4 packages of chicken flavored Ramen, pulsed
½ flour
½ cornmeal
2c buttermilk
2 eggs
20-30 sweet pickle chips
Texas Petes hot sauce
Salt and pepper
Oil for frying


Heat oil to 325 F.

Combine eggs, buttermilk, hot sauce, salt, pepper and chicken and let sit.

In a food processor, pulse the ramen flour, cornmeal and pepper. Double dredge and let rest.

While chicken is resting, combine pickle chips, a few dashes of hot sauce and Sriracha.

Fry the chicken thighs in batches.

Spread a layer of sauce on the bun and top with fried chicken. Continue to assemble your fried chicken sandwiches and enjoy!

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