Raw Food Weight Loss 178 pounds! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #11

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Juice Recipes for Healing * Fasting Juice Recipes *
Vegetable Juicing * Vegetable Juice Recipes for Weight Loss * Raw Vegetable Diet *

VIDEO #11 of my weekly chats
w/ my friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker!

For those new to this series, check out preceding videos here http://bit.ly/Hfc1X & this quick backgrounder on Dave's amazing story of natural healing!:
My friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes & kidney disease, all via the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of 178 pounds over the last 16 months, and he's not stopping there. He's going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!!

*****VIDEO #11 UPDATE*****
This week, Dave's with me here at the RV making what may be the most powerful & amazing juice recipe that mankind has ever known...it's...


These ingredients are what Dave uses to make 3 gallons worth of juice at once, so as to last him 3 days on the road. This is an ULTRA LOW-glycemic juice & Dave credits it for helping to cure his body of Type II Diabetes & Stage IV Colon Cancer.

Dave is ALL about having his produce be 100% organic. As he healed himself of serious conditions & his body still isn't done healing himself of all the excess weight, he feels this is vital. As for you, just do the best you can!

* I n g r e d i e n t s *

**In Video #9 Dave went over all of the ingredients and then in Video # 10, Dave & Dan juiced the 1st 1/3 of all the ingredients.

To see those videos first, as well as
http://bit.ly/8iheT (video #9)
http://bit.ly/4tuXMx (video #10)

* J u i c e r s *

The juicer shown in this video is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite 800JEXL which can be purchased right here http://JUICER.life-regenerator.com

I personally feel that Breville Juicers are the best all around, but that is just me! Yes, I am aware of the drawbacks, but for me, I want something that is quick and easy to use, or else I wouldn't be juicing nearly as much!

If you can't afford this nicer model, I can also recommend another Breville Juicer to you which isn't quite as sturdy and can be slightly more messy, but overall it is still better than other juicers I think! It is the Breville JE95XL Two-Speed Juice Fountain Plus http://BREVILLE.life-regenerator.com Or, if you feel comfortable purchasing a factory reconditioned model, Amazon carries that SAME model for only $90: http://BREVILLE.life-regenerator.com

* B e n e f i t s *

** Refer to previous videos for more benefits http://bit.ly/8iheT & http://bit.ly/4tuXMx **

Celery ~ Good for inflammation & heartburn. If you drink 1 head's worth of celery juice every day, prepare for it to disappear!

Kale ~ A great source of amino acids! The protein myth is that you 'need' protein, when our bodies don't want protein! Our bodies want amino acids, so we can make our own protein!

Red Chard ~ High in antioxidants, chlorophyll, minerals and amino acids

Cilantro ~ Gives flavor, detoxifies heavy metals, purifies the blood & sweetens the breath

Baby Bok Choy ~ High in chlorophyll, minerals, antioxidants and is a blood builder

Tomato ~ Makes the juice taste delicious! Also high in lycopene, antioxidants, betacarotene. Also great for getting energy if you are on a low-glycemic diet.

* I n s p i r a t i o n *

Generally speaking, the more juice you get, the healthier you get! Within moderation, of course. Also, if you are on a low-glycemic diet, clearly you would not want to consume much or any fruit juice nor high-glycemic fruits and vegetables.

If you are recovering from or healing diabetes or any other sugar issues, you really want to give your body time to clean out the pancreas, kidneys & liver to get those organs and related glands functioning.

A normal human cell has 4 to 6 sugar receptors, whereas a cancer cell has 19 to 21 sugar receptors. This explains how cancer can explode through the body. This is why low-glycemic is the way to go, and to heal up with the green herbs & leafy green vegetable juices.

Save your life! Lose some weight! Drinking green juices CAN be fun! Allow it to become an ART and a PASSION for you. Besides, you'll end up healthy & fit with a ripped body, fresh breath & clear bowels, and your eyes will become filled with life.

***The cost of fruits & veggies for 3 gallons of juice to be drunk over a span of 3 days?

$75 Is $25 a day really too much to save your life?

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Love, Dan

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