Raw Food Weight Loss 178 pounds! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #8

*SHOP http://STORE.life-regenerator.com *This is VIDEO #8 of my weekly chats with my friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker!

For those of you just joining us on this video, make sure to watch the rest of this series of videos at http://bit.ly/Hfc1X and also quickly read the following background info on Dave's amazing story of natural healing....

My friend Dave the raw food truck driver tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes, kidney disease, with the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of 178 pounds over the last 16 months, and he's not stopping there. He is going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!!

*****VIDEO #8 UPDATE*****
This week, we find Dave at a raw food meetup group in Redmond, WA where Cherie Calbom, "The Juice Lady" was the special guest. Cherie has been wanting to meet Dave for awhile, so she invited up to the front to share a little bit more about how he healed himself of cancer and diabetes, and I gotta say, this is one powerful message!

After Dave first healed himself of type II diabetes, the doctors then told him that he had stage IV colon cancer...basically a death sentence! Thank goodness he didn't believe in that death sentence, as here is what he thought instead....go, Dave!!!:

If this stuff right here can heal my diabetes in 4 days, it can probably heal the cancer!

When I started on a juicing program to heal the colon cancer, I told no one...as I'm sure they would have thought I was nuts...I didn't want to waste time being defensive, so I just focused on my healing instead. Today, I'm happy to now continually bear witness to others also healing themselves of cancer...like my friend Jared, who has successfully reversed a stage IV skin cancer melanoma that had metastasized throughout his body, simply by going raw vegan.

How I first got into the raw food and juicing path was from my raw vegan friends Dave & Judit...who I credit today with saving my life. They had told me about a way of eating that would allow me to eat as much as I want, and still lose weight, while possibly healing myself of diabetes in the process. I was a 400 pound fat man at the time, so I listened!!

During the first week it was VERY challenging to stay on track, trying to just eat fruits and vegetables. But by the second week they invited me to a raw food restaurant in Santa Monica, called Juliano's Planet Raw. When I sat down and tasted that food, I just KNEW that I could then stay raw....so then I began seeking out every raw food restaurant that I could find, such as:


Euphoria loves Rawvolution Cafe & Retail Store
2301 Main St. (btwn Yoga Works & Urth Caffe)
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Open daily 11AM - 9PM
Visit http://bit.ly/15M0qF for the menu... :D

**PLUS!! Rawvolution offers NATIONAL OVERNIGHT DELIVERY to anywhere in the continental US, as well as LOCAL delivery in LA & NYC. Check http://rawvolution.com for details.

Juliano's Planet Raw
609 Broadway Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Mon-Fri:10AM - 10PM
Sat-Sun:10AM - 11PM

Leaf Organics
in LA (Culver City) & Sherman Oaks
visit http://bit.ly/eSQkj for location details

Au Lac Restaurant
16563 Brookhurst St.
Fountain Valley, CA
visit http://bit.ly/IJ2jk for details

Caf Gratitude
in many locations!
San Francisco, Berkeley, San Rafael, Healdsburg, and in the Oakland Whole Foods!
visit http://bit.ly/IkveG for location details
visit http://bit.ly/5kNle for menu


Chaco Canyon Organic Caf
4757 12th Ave. NE (@ 50th St.)
Seattle, WA 98105
visit http://chacocanyoncafe.com for details

1026 NE 65th St. (@ Roosevelt Way)
Seattle, WA 98115
visit http://generationthrive.com for details
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