Raw Food Weight Loss 178 pounds! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #7

Vegetable Juicing *
Vegetable Juice Recipes *
Raw Vegetable Diet *

This is VIDEO #7 of my weekly chats
with my friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker!

For those of you just joining us on this video, make sure to also watch the rest of this series of videos at http://bit.ly/Hfc1X and also quickly read the following background info on Dave's amazing story of natural healing!:
My friend Dave the raw food truck driver tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes, kidney disease, with the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of 178 pounds over the last 16 months, and he's not stopping there. He is going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!!

*****VIDEO #7 UPDATE*****
Dave is on Day 13 of a juice feast and he feels fantastic! 34 days is the longest he has ever juice feasted, and his goal for this one is a 64 day juice feast. Although he says he will still be listening to his body and will stop sooner if that is what his body tells him to do! He is currently basing most of his juices with powdered mixes such as BarleyMax, so he can more easily stick to the plan while on the road. He feels the BarleyMax gives him a real kick!

Dave is also now thrilled to finally be fitting into a size 42 pant, after being stuck in a 44 pant for awhile. Even if this means that the rate of his weight loss might be slowing, he still just knows he needs to continue on, and "stay as organic, raw & vegan as possible!"

Dave says he feels energetically alive!

Dave was also happy to share how he has been helping others out: he recently met with 4 people who have cancer, followed by 4 people who have insulin-resistant diabetes. Dave says that he feels so blessed to be able to help people, by simply sharing with them his personal experience of how he cured himself of colon cancer and diabetes!

And Dave healed himself of these ailments, all through the healing power of juices & raw foods...whole fruits & vegetables, partnered with primarily vegetable juicing. When not using the BarleyMax powdered juice mix, he focuses on raw vegetable juice recipes made with dark, leafy greens, as well as celery. If he should ever add any fruit, he sticks with the low-glycemic fruits such as cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers-- yes, those are all technically fruits!

Dave believes that such juices have some type of life force healing energy...perhaps from the chlorophyll, from the fact that the enzymes and everything in them is raw and living, and/or the energetics of each unique type of vegetable or fruit. He believes eating and drinking raw vegan and organic foods allow the immune system to heal itself!

Last but not least, if you ever find yourself really craving something cooked or more 'heavy' and you happen to live in California, Dave wholeheartedly recommends dining at Juliano's raw food restaurant called "Planet Raw," located in Santa Monica. Prepare to enjoy some really, really tasty raw food! http://planetraw.com

I hope you enjoyed this catch-up with Dave as much as I did!

Where are you in your raw food and healing path?
Share with us your progress in the comments section below!

Peace, Dan...Your Raw Food Man

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