7 reasons to go vegan hot for food

Happy Earth Day! Did you know the best thing you can choose to do every day to make a positive impact on climate change is to eat vegan at every meal? It's true. The livestock industry contributes 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, putting it ahead of transportation in contributing to the greenhouse effect.Read more: http://bit.ly/1Q2xPKJ

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We've compiled a fun list of 7 other reasons to go vegan now! Yes, perhaps some are exaggerated for effect, like #6. We know the global warming argument about polar bears drowning is still up for debate, but you get it and it was kinda cute! But ultimately you do NEED to reduce your consumption of animal products... period!

Besides that, eating vegan is less expensive. We want to put a stop to the misconception of it being an expensive lifestyle right now! Uhhh have you seen the price of meat and cheese? If you're eating whole plant foods you will save money!
** Peta "Eating Vegan on a Budget" http://bit.ly/1G56QZr
** Huffington Post "Eating Vegan on the Cheap" http://huff.to/1Hk5RGf

And don't bother with the comments about "milk doing a body good". Those are lies you've been told. Get with the program.
** VegKitchen.com "Plant Based Calcium" http://bit.ly/1IWN4TJ

We've noticed people are consuming less and less animal products either for ethical or health concerns, allergies, or digestive upsets. The vegan lifestyle is more mainstream than ever and it's easy to start the transition.

We recommend switching out one ingredient at a time and changing one meal at a time. There is no rush, especially if you want to remain healthy, do it right, and stick with the change.

Here's some other helpful resources / information to show you that going vegan is the only way!

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret http://www.cowspiracy.com/
Food Inc. http://www.takepart.com/foodinc
Forks Over Knives http://www.forksoverknives.com/
Earthlings http://earthlings.com/

Living The Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur & Gene Stone http://www.farmsanctuary.org/living/
Eating Animals by Johnathan Safran Foer http://www.eatinganimals.com/
The Omnivores Dilemma & Food Rules by Michael Pollan http://michaelpollan.com/books
Skinny Bitch http://www.skinnybitch.net/
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