Rice Kheer Recipe with Seviyan (Vermicelli) | Eid Special | Tasted Recipes

Rice Kheer Recipe is a rich sweet and delightful Indian recipe. A popular recipe Indians make with whole wheat vermicelli roasted in ghee which provides a unique aroma and taste.

Ingredients of Rice Kheer Recipe with Seviyan (Vermicelli)

Water as required
Soaked Rice - 100 gm
Milk - 1 ltr
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Whole Wheat Vermicelli (seviyan) - 1 small bowl
Sugar - 1 small bowl
Almond - 1 tbsp
Cashew - 1 tbsp
Raisins and Charoli (Chironji seeds) - 1 tbsp
Nutmeg Powder - 1 tbsp

Full Recipe: https://tastedrecipes.com/recipe/seviyan-kheer/
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