Routines vs. Flexibility in Chores and Batch Cooking HPC: E98

Some organizing and parenting bloggers say you can't survive without a routine. They have fancy charts and timetables, and they totally stress me out!

On the other hand, it's TRUE that I can't survive without a routine -- of some sort. Mine just has to have a good dose of flexibility built in to fit my personality.

Today I wanted to share some of the strategies we've implemented in our family to share responsibility and chores since quarantine hit:

1. Our initial "code red" chore system so Mom and Dad didn't go nutso with 4 kids home all day, every day while we tried to work

2. Our summer "household manager" strategy that shifted more responsibility to the kids, since they had no school, no extracurriculars, and no excuses

3. The "batch cooking" system I've always used to save time and increase nutrition in the kitchen, but that doesn't need an extra slot on the calendar for a prep day

Resources I mention:
* Our daily checklist for the family is in this activity guide, with lots of encouragement to rest:
* The FREE resource for batch cooking, especially with homemade broth:
* How we cooked and meal planned during lockdown:
* Jess Sherman's interview on resilience:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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