Here’s an interesting recipe, join us on this journey as we make saffron bread! SAFFRON BREADIngredientsFew strands of saffron2 teaspoons (10 grams) fresh yeast2 teaspoons (10 grams) castor sugar 2 cups refined flour (maida) + for dusting½ teaspoon salt2 teaspoons milk powder2 tablespoons hot milk2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons butter1 teaspoon coriander seeds1 teaspoon cumin seeds1 teaspoon red chilli flakesMilk wash as requiredMethod1. Preheat oven at 180º C and grease a baking tray with butter.2. Combine yeast and half teaspoon castor sugar in a small bowl. Add two tablespoons warm water and set aside for two minutes or till the yeast gets activated.3. Sift refined flour into a bowl, add salt, remaining castor sugar and milk powder and mix well. 4. Mix saffron and hot milk in a small bowl and let it rest for a minute. Add this to the flour and knead into soft dough using one cup water. 5. Add butter and knead further. Cover with a wet muslin cloth and set aside for ten to fifteen minutes.6. Dry roast coriander seeds and cumin seeds separately in a non-stick pan for thirty seconds each. 7. Cool and coarsely these seeds with red chilli flakes. 8. Dust some refined flour on a table top. Remove the dough from the bowl and place it on the table top.9. Knock back the dough and sprinkle the ground spices over it and knead well.10. Roll the dough and cut into the equal portions and further roll into medium sized balls. Place them on the greased baking tray. Cover and set aside to prove for twenty to twenty five minutes.11. Apply milk wash on the bread rolls, place the tray in preheated oven and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes.12. Remove from heat, cool and serve.Click to Subscribe: more recipes : http://www.sanjeevkapoor.comBest cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. Buy Now on : : :