Salmon Steak With Creamy Mushroom Sauce By SooperChef

salmon steak with creamy mushroom sauce is ideal dinner recipe for weekend. This tempting looking salmon steak with creamy mushroom sauce is super easy to make. Try out this appetizing recipe and share your feedback with us.

#Salmon #SalmonSteak #FishSteak

500g EastCo Salmon Steak
1 tbsp Garlic paste
2 tbsp Lemon juice
1 tbsp Soy sauce
Salt to taste
1 tsp Black pepper
1 tsp Garlic powder
2 tbsp Oil
Ingredients for mushroom sauce:
1 tbsp Oil
1 stock cube / 2 tbsp demi-glace
1 cup Water
1/2 cup Onion (finely chopped)
1 tbsp Garlic (minced)
1/2 cup Mushrooms (finely sliced)
Salt to taste
1 tsp White pepper
1/2 tsp Black pepper
1/2 cup Cream
1/2 tsp Thyme (dried)
Sauté side lines veggies
1 tbsp Oil
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp Black pepper
5-6 Cherry tomatoes
Broccoli (blanched) as required
Carrots (blanched) as required
Directions Salmon With Creamy Mushroom Sauce:
⦁ In a bowl mix garlic paste, lemon juice, salt, black pepper powder, soy sauce and garlic powder.
⦁ Marinate EastCo Salmon Steak in it for 15 to 20 minutes.
⦁ In a pan heat oil, cook marinated Salmon Steak in it for 4 to 5 minutes each side.
⦁ Your steak is ready set aside.
Directions for mushroom sauce:
⦁ In a separate pan add oil garlic then onion and cook for 2-3 minute.
⦁ Then add water stock/demi-glace powder and Season it with salt, white pepper, black pepper and thyme.
⦁ In last add cream, mushroom and let it simmer for 4 to 5 minutes more.
⦁ Your sauce is ready. Drizzle warm over Salmon Steak and enjoy.
Directions for veggies
⦁ In a pot add water when it's start simmering add carrot for 5 min then place it in the cold water same goes for the broccoli
⦁ Then take a pan add oil heat up then add carrots ,cherry tomatoes, broccoli salt, pepper and toss it on high flame for 4,5 minutes.
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serving: 3-4
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