Samavat Rice Kheer Recipe | Samo Rice Kheer Recipe | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Samvat rice kheer recipe is delicious kheer recipe often made during fasting days.This samo rice kheer tastes similar to rice kheer but lighter and much easier to digest.


Samo rice - ¼ cup (40 to 50 grams) (soaked)
Sugar - ¼ cup
Cashews – 8 to 10
Raisins – 15 to 20
Green cardamom – 3
Full cream milk - ½ litre (2.5 cups)
Almonds – 2


Getting ready:

1.Chop the cashews and thinly slice the almonds, keep them in separate bowls. Grind the green cardamom seeds using stone grinder into fine powder.


2.To make samo rice kheer, boil the milk in a vessel. As the milk simmers, put the samo rice in the vessel and cook the kheer by stirring at regular intervals until the rice cooks through.

3. Later, add cashews and raisins to the kheer. Mix nicely and cook the kheer for another 3 to 4 minutes on low flame. Then thoroughly mix sugar and crushed green cardamom in the kheer. Turn off the flame and cover the kheer for 2 minutes and samo rice kheer will be ready to serve.


4.Garnish this tantalizing and luscious samo rice kheer with almonds and serve it steaming hot or chilled.

Samo Rice Kheer Recipe in Hindi -
Samavat Rice Kheer recipe in English

Shyamak Chawal ki Kheer Recipe,
samo upwas rice ki kheer ,
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