Samosa chaat #Sabrini Chutney | Chef Harpal Singh | chefharpalsingh

You can’t eat breakfast at night or dinner in the afternoon – but snacks? that you can eat anytime of the day! Along with tea, after school or at a birthday party – snacks are every foodie’s ultimate favourite. Samosa Chaat Is almost every Indians Favorite Street food

Samosa Chat
Ingredients: Quantity
 Samosas  4 large
 Yogurt Whisked and chilled 2 cup
 Sugar 2 tbsp
 Onion chopped 1 small
 Tomato chopped 1 small
 Sweet tamarind chutney  2-3 tbsp
 Mint chutney  2-3 tbsp
 Red chili powder 1tsp
 Chat masala 1 teaspoon
 Bikaner Sev to garnish
 Coriander leaves chopped  1 tablespoon
 In 2 cups of yogurt add sugar and mix well.
 Put samosa in a plate; mash them a little. Add chopped onions, chopped tomatoes, yogurt,
dates chutney, mint chutney.
 Sprinkle red chili powder, chat masala powder and some Bikaner sev on top of it.
 Finely add some fresh coriander. Now it is ready to eat!

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