Samurai Pancakes - 10 Second Recipes | Christian Has Ideas

What makes these pancakes Samurai? How about because they roll up on you in broad daylight and assassinate you with flavor arrows?

I make 'em like so...

Mix the dry ingredients:
Flour (2.5 cups)
Baking Powder (1 tbls)
Salt (1 tsp)
Sugar (1 cup)

Mix the wet ingredients:
Butter (1 stick, softened)
Eggs (2)
Milk (1 cup)

Combine the dry and wet ingredients and mix them thoroughly.

Then I add the peanut butter. You can add as much as you want, but more than 1/4 cup starts to mess with the consistence of the batter. A few table spoons is probably good.

Next I add more milk. Most recipes I've seen don't call for anywhere near enough milk. I think the batter should be almost runny if your going for a light, fluffy pancake (if you like dense pancakes that make you feel like you replaced your stomach with a bolder, by all means, omit the extra milk) I add stir in about 1 cup of extra milk, or until the consistency is right.

The last ingredient is chocolate. I like dark chocolate, but for this recipe I typically use milk chocolate -- mostly because it melts better and compliments the peanut butter. How much chocolate? Well, as much as you want, I guess.

Spoon the batter onto a lightly greased skillet or frying pan. Flip them after about 2 minutes, or when a lot of tiny bubbles appear on the surface and the pancakes have started to rise a little.

Cook them on the other side for about 1 more minute.

Dash some powdered sugar on that piece and prepare to be assassinated.

Post a comment if you try this. Or if you have anything to say about pancakes, peanut butter, or samurai.
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