Sausage Pancakes Recipe by SooperChef

Sausage Pancake an innovation breakfast idea with a sweet and savory taste. A delicious and mouth watering combo made with K&N's Frankfurter Sausage is a must try. Make these Sausage Pancakes in your breakfast and share your feedback with us.
#SausagePancakes #Pancakes #SooperChef

Egg whites 3
Sugar 2 ½ tbsp
Milk ½ cups
Egg yolk 1
Butter (melted) 2 tbsp
All-purpose flour ¾ cups
Salt 1/2 tsp
Baking powder ½ tsp
Baking Soda ¼ tsp
K&N’s Frankfurter Sausages 5
Red Capsicum chunks (as required)
Green capsicum chunks (as required)
Yellow capsicum chunks (as required)
Ketchup (as required)
Honey Mustard sauce (as required)

1. In a bowl, add egg whites and beat until foamy. Gradually add sugar and beat until fully incorporated.
2. In another bowl add milk, butter, egg yolk, and whisk well. Now add flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and whisk until no lumps remain.
3. Now add the egg white mixture and fold until well combined.
4. Take the K&N’s Frankfurter Sausage and cut 3 of them into chunks and leaving the remain as it is.
5. Now, preheat a non-stick pan and grease it with butter. Pour 2 scoops full of batter and let the bubbles form on the top of it.
6. Place K&N’s Frankfurter Sausage in the middle of the pancake, fold and press from both sides.
7. Add a few drops of water on the side of the pan, cover with lid and let it cook for at least 2-3 minutes on low flame until fully cooked.
8. Then again pour 2 scoops full of batter onto the greased pan. Let it cook until bubbles appear on top. Then, top it with yellow capsicum, green capsicum, red capsicum and K&N’s Frankfurter Sausages chunks.
9. Turnover and cook for 2-3 minutes until fully cooked.
10. Transfer onto the dish, drizzle ketchup and honey mustard and serve.
Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 5-7mins
Servings: 4
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