Seedai That doesn't burst in oil Why you SHOULD c my Rava Seedai video?! Follow tips by a veteran! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

#SujanFunKitchen is here with an easy to make recipe of #RavaSeedai #Seedai Seedai that doesn’t burst in oil, with proper techniques and tips.
Rava Seedai
Rava - 1 cup
Ghee - 5 tbsp (melted ghee)
Red chilli powder - to taste
Asaefotida - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Broken cashews - 1 handful
Oil to fry
In a bowl, add all ingredients except the oil
Mix and toss together
Add water little by litttle to make a dough, not too stiff or not too soft
Allow to rest for 5 mins
Now, pinch the dough into tiny rolls
Heat oil for frying
Now add the handfuls of rolls into the oil for frying
Over medium high flame, fry to a golden colour
Rava Seedai is ready!
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