शेवग्याच्या शेंगाची भाजी - Shengyachi Bhaji | चविष्ट आणि पौष्टिक शेवग्याच्या शेंगांची भाजी - Smita | Ruchkar Mejwani

Learn how to make Flavorful and Tasty Authentic Maharashtrian शेवग्याच्या शेंगाची भाजी - Shengyachi Bhaji with our chef Smita Deo.

शिका चविष्ट आणि पौष्टिक शेवग्याच्या शेंगांची भाजी आमच्या Chef स्मिता देव सोबत.

Shevgyacha Shenga or Drumsticks is a regional Konkani ingredient that finds its usage in many authentic Maharashtrian dishes. This stir fry preparation (Shevgyachya Shenganchi Bhaji) is often served as a side dish with Chapati, Rice & Dal and Amti; of which you can find the link below.
Chapati - https://youtu.be/508FwGA24wQ
Dal ( Spicy Varan, Ambat Varan & Basic Varan) - https://youtu.be/vhdTkmY-RSs
jeera Rice - https://youtu.be/utO8CVRCEhs

Try this delicious recipe with its combination, and let us know in the comment section below.

(Serves 2)
- 3 tbsp Coconut oil
- Asafoetida
- Mustard Seeds
- 8-10 Curry Leaves
- 2 Onions(chopped)
- Drumsticks
- 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 1 1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder
- 1 tbsp Coriander Seeds Powder
- 1 1/2 cups Water
- Salt
- 1/2 Coconut(grated)
- 1/2 Tamarind
- 1/2 tsp Black Pepper Powder
- 1/2 tsp Jaggery
- 2-3 tbsp Coconut Oil
- 8 Madras Onions(sliced)

1. Heat oil in a pan, and once heated add asafoetida, mustard seeds, curry leaves, chopped onions
2. Saute it and add drumstick pieces which have been washed, peeled and cut
3. Mix it well for around 2 minutes and then add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, coriander Seeds Powder
4. Mix all of it well. Add water to the pan along with salt as per taste and cover it.
5. Take grated coconut, tamarind, black pepper powder in a mixer bowl and grind it to make a thick paste with minimum water
6. Now, add this paste over the drumstick along with jaggery
7. Give it a stir, cover it and let it cook for 5 minutes
8. Take coconut oil in a separate pan; add madras onions to it and saute it till it turns golden brown
9. Add these fried onions over cooked drumsticks and take it out in a serving bowl

#शेवग्याच्याशेंगाचीभाजी #ShevgyachiBhaji #RuchkarMejwani

If you like this recipe 'शेवग्याच्या शेंगाची भाजी - Shengyachi Bhaji', you can also try other similar Bhaji recipes like:

गवारीची भाजी - https://youtu.be/CCWed0d_Pyk
लसूनी बटाटा - https://youtu.be/NHtIXgCkc3w
भेंडी बटाटा भाजी - https://youtu.be/SJF7QyA20ok

Host: Smita Deo
Copyrights: REPL

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