Shikanji | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Nothing like a glass of chilled Shikanji to refresh you, even on the hottest and most tiring of days! Try this recipe and quench your thirst.



1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
4-5 fresh mint sprigs
Black salt to taste
2 teaspoons roasted cumin powder
Ice cubes as required
4 cups drinking soda water


1. To prepare sugar syrup, heat sugar in a non-stick pan. Add ½ cup water and cook till the sugar melts, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and cool.
2. Put lemon juice in a bowl. Add sugar syrup and mix well.
3. Put mint leaves in a mortar and coarsely crush using a pestle.
4. To prepare one portion, put 1 teaspoon crushed mint paste, black salt, ½ teaspoon cumin powder, 3-4 tablespoons sugar syrup in a tall serving glass and stir well. Put few ice cubes and pour 1 cup drinking soda water and stir well.
5. Serve chilled.

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