Shoulder Workout For Strength, Stability, And Aesthetics

My two part shoulder workout will build up your shoulders, make you stronger, and open up tons of awesome moves to play around with.

I've been using these shoulder strengthening exercises for about five years, and they've done a ton of good for me. In 2011 I was pretty weak, and coupled with a yoga routine that increased shoulder flexibility, I was actually having my shoulders pop out of their sockets pretty regularly.

I adopted this shoulder workout to fix the situation, and it worked, but it also improved the aesthetics of my shoulders by building up the deltoids.

But way more fun is that having the ability to lift things overhead and hold them there as the weight or my body moves in space allowed me to start doing really fun partner acrobatic moves.

In this video I talk about the two parts of my workout, several shoulder exercises you can choose from depending on your current strength level, equipment availability, and desires, and how frequently you should be doing these moves.

Check out the accompanying article:
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