Sleep Coaching for Attachment Parenting (Gentle & Timely Sleep from Infancy to Childhood) HPC: E119

I have a vague, fuzzy recollection of learning the Sleep Lady Shuffle when I was a young mom. I don't think I did it quite right, hence the fuzzy brain from lack of sleep, but I love everything about it!

If you're in a phase of parenting where sleep is a challenge, whether you have babies and toddlers waking, or grade school kids who are popping out of bed like whack-a-mole, Kim West, "The Sleep Lady", is the perfect bedtime story for you to listen to today!

You'll learn:

* Why there's no such thing as a "no-cry sleep solution", and why that's perfectly developmentally appropriate
* How attachment parenting philosophy merges precisely with the Sleep Lady Shuffle
* What age to start sleep coaching and how to personalize it
* The most powerful (surprising!) strategy for those kids who get out of bed at night
* Physical sleep wreckers you should look into before implementing a behavior technique solution
* The vital importance of sleep, and all the ways it helps our kids learn and grow

You might get some tips for YOUR sleep too - I always learn from these experts, and Kim is so great to listen to!

Solid sleep habits for life is an incredible goal, and we'll get you one step closer today.

Resources We Mention to Teach Healthy Sleeping Habits for Kids
* Kim's book, Good Night, Sleep Tight:
* Magnesium lotion to help kids sleep:
* Find Kim online:
* Work with a sleep coach:
* Follow Kim on social media:,,
* Kim's free guides are on this page:
* Ultimate guide to managing dust allergies:
* Your sleep makes you a better (or worse) parent:
* Healthy sleep for the whole family:

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