How To Make Sourdough Multi Grain No-Knead Bread Recipe. Glen is still working on his bread making, and this weeks bread recipe is a hybrid sourdough and commercial yeast loaf cooked in Dutch ovens.
For the Poolish:
450g Multi-grain bread flour
450g room temperature water
100g 100% hydration sourdough starter

For the final dough:
All of the poolish
500g Multi-grain bread flour
250g room temperature water
21g salt
3g instant dry yeast

Day 1, make the poolish.
In a large container mix together all of the poolish ingredients into a ragged wet dough.
Cover and let ferment at room temperature overnight.

Day 2, make the final dough.
In a large container mix together all of the poolish, and all of the day 2 ingredients into a ragged wet dough.
Cover and let stand at room temp for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes fold the edge of the dough to the centre, turn 45º and fold the edge of the dough to the centre.
Continue this folding for 6-9 times, cover and let stand at room temp for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes repeat the folding procedure, then cover and let rise to 2½ its original volume.
This rise could take 2-3 hours.
Prepare two proofing baskets / banneton.
Lightly flour your work surface and scrape the dough out onto it.
Flour your hands and using a bench scraper, divide the dough into two pieces.
Shape each piece into a fairly tight ball and then place seam side down into the bannetons to prove.
Cover with a couche or plastic and let prove at room temp for about an hour.
Preheat oven to 240ºC (475ºF), along with two cast iron Dutch ovens*.

When the loaves are proved, carefully flip them out onto a floured surface so the seam side is now facing up.
Carefully place the loaves seam side up into the Dutch ovens, put the lid on, and place in the oven.
Bake, covered, for 30 minutes.
Remove the lids at 30 minutes, and continue baking for another 10 - 20 minutes.
This second baking time will depend on your oven, and your preference for crust colour.
Loaves are done when internal temp is 190ºF - 200ºF.
remove loaves from the Dutch ovens, and let cool on a rack for at least 30 minutes before slicing.

*If you have only one Dutch oven, you can bake these one after the other by proving the second loaf for 15 minutes at room temp, then placing in the fridge.
After baking the first loaf, place the Dutch oven back in the oven to re-heat for 10 minutes, and take the second loaf from the fridge.

Our Other Bread Recipes:

1) Irish Soda Bread - Recipe:
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