Spaghetti Recipe With Tender Pops By SooperChef

Spaghetti with Tender Pops Recipe In English

Ingredients for Spaghetti with Tender Pops:

250gm K&Ns Tender Pops
400gm Linguine (Pasta)
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons minced garlic
teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon zest of 2 lemons
cup lemon juice
1 Cup Water
cup cream
Parmesan cheese, for sprinkling
cup chopped basil or parsley, for garnish

Directions for Spaghetti with Tender Pops:

In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain pasta and set a side.

Prepare the K&Ns Tender Pops as per the instruction on the pack.

Take a skillet, add water, K&Ns STOK, 2 teaspoons of garlic, along with the lemon juice into the skillet. Using a whisk, deglaze the pan until any brown bits are removed from the bottom. Let the sauce cook on a gentle simmer for 5 minutes on medium heat. Add in the butter, stirring until it melts. Then, add the lemon zest and the cream. Let the sauce come to a gentle simmer, then add the pasta and prepared K&Ns Tender Pops into the skillet. Toss to combine and coat. Taste for seasonings, adjust salt and pepper as desired. Add water if needed to help thin sauce to coat pasta. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and chopped basil. Serve immediately.

Serves: 2-3
Time: 30 mins
Spaghetti with Tender Pops Recipe In Urdu

K&Ns Tender Pops 250
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